by Guðrún Marteinsdóttir | 30. sep, 2020 | Heilsa og lífstíll, Taramar heimurinn
The efficacy of The Serum was tested by an independent laboratory, Dermscan in France. During testing, 36 women aged 45-65 applied the Serum to the facial skin 2x/day for 28 days. After 28 days, the skin hadr less wrinkles, higher collagen density, more moisture and ...
by Guðrún Marteinsdóttir | 31. ágú, 2020 | Heilsa og lífstíll, Taramar heimurinn
Some of the testimonials have been translated from Icelandic using Google translate. We apologize for any wrong spelling or grammar but prefer not to edit the google translate so that the testimonials are “untouched” 🙂 Inga...