Nordic Natural Beauty Award

Nordic Natural Beauty Award

TARMAR SERUM er komið í úrslit hjá Nordic Natural Beauty award. Þetta er mikill heiður og viðurkenning fyrir vinsæla serúmið okkar. Keppning fer þannig fram að 42 flottar konur sem eru áhrifavalda eða tengda tískuheiminum, nota vörurnar í 2 mánuði og velja þær bestu...
The Lava Filtered Water

The Lava Filtered Water

In Iceland, we have access to amazingly pure water that has been filtered through the Earth’s strata and volcanic rock over thousands of years. Indeed, the water we access now is between 1,000 and 5,000 years old.  This is the water that fell as precipitation when the...
Beauty is your true nature

Beauty is your true nature

We believe that beauty comes from the inside, the beauty of the soul that is reflected in your approach to yourself, your daily life and your interactions with others the small and the large, the seen and the unseen. Unfortunately, aging, stress, and your daily diet...